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10 Apr

Everything You Need To Know About Python Framework

Python is a high-level, interpreted and dynamically-typed language having implementation of basics from Object Oriented Programming Language (OOPs). Being equipped with unique syntax makes it differentiated from other programming languages like Java, C++, and C. In other words we can say that, it is simple and easy to learn language.

Majority of developers utilize frameworks for creating codes and develop applications. These frameworks provide a defined structure for the developers so they can stay focused on core logics of application rather than other elements. For starting the development with Python, you need a platform or framework to code. While selecting a framework, always keep the size and complexity of your application or project in mind.  

In this article, we get to know more about some commonly used Python Frameworks.

Python offers a support for wide range of frameworks with two main type of Python frameworks for developing applications:

  • Full Stack

The full stack frameworks provide complete support to developers through necessary elements like form validate, form generator, and template layouts. Common full stack frameworks are:

  1. Django

Django is a full stack Python web framework which is open source and free-to-use. Officialy released in July 2005, its developed by Django Software Foundation. It aid developers in creating complex codes and applications easily and require much lesser time as compared to other frameworks. Following the principle of DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and a model-view-template architectural pattern.

It’s hugely popular amongst developers due to vast collection of libraries written in Python language and emphasizes on efficiency, component reusability, and less codes. Other main features include URL routing, Object-Relational Mapper (ORM), authentication mechanism, template engine, and database schema migrations.

It also capitalizes ORM to map its instances of the database tables and provides support for various databases like PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle, hereby making it easier for developers to transfer the code from one database to another. In addition, provides support for several web servers and because of its amazing features, it’s widely used by renowned companies like Instagram, Pinterest, Disqus, Mozilla, The Washington Times, and Bitbucket.

  1. Web2py

Web2py is a cross-platform web application framework written in Python programming language. It is developed by Massimo De Pierro as open source and free-to-use framework and got released in September 2007. It enables developers for creating dynamic web content. This framework is equipped with a code editor, debugger, and deployment tool to help in develop and debug code, as well as testing applications. It also incorporates a ticketing system which issues a ticket to the user whenever an error occurs and helps user to track the status.

Some of the main features include:

  • Cross-platform framework providing support for Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac, Google app engine, and other platforms.
  • No additional installation and configuration required.
  • Built-in components to handle HTTP requests, HTTP responses, cookies, and sessions.
  • Ability to read multiple protocols.
  • Data security against threat like cross-site scriptings, injection flaws, and the execution of infected files.
  • It has model-view-controller (MVC) pattern.
  • Support for role-based access control and internationalization.
  • Allows users to embed jQuery for UI effects and Ajax.
  1. TurboGears   

TurboGears is a full stack web application framework developed by KevinDangoor and Mark Ramm. It’s a data-driven, open source and free-to-use framework, equipped with components like WebOb, SQLAlchemy, Genshi, and Repoze for developing apps needing faster database connectivity as compared to other existing frameworks.

Some of the main features includes:

  • Supports multiple databases.
  • Follows MVC pattern.
  • Support for web servers like Pylons.
  • Support numerous libraries.
  • Consists of WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) components.
  1. CubicWeb

CubicWeb is an open source, semantic and free-to-use framework work based on data model. Developers require defining the data model to get a functional application. It utilizes cube in place of using separate views and models and these multiple cubes are joined together to create an instance with the help of some configuration file, web server, and database.

Some of the main features are as follows:

  • Support for multiple databases, security workflows, and reusable components.
  • Support for Web Ontology Language (OWL) and Resource Description Framework (RDF).
  • Embeds Relational Query Language (RQL) to simplify queries related to data.
  1. Giotto

Giotto is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern which separates Model, View, and Controller elements to ensure that the web designers and developers along with system administrators can perform their functions independently and effectively. It also incorporates controller modules for creating applications on top of the web, irc, or the command line.

  1. Pylon

Pylon is a lightweight framework which emphasize on rapid development of applications. It’s developed with the best ideologies taken from languages like Ruby, Python, and Perl, hence providing highly flexible structure for web development.


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 Non-full stack Frameworks

The non-full stack frameworks do not provide additional functionalities and features to developers and they need to add codes and other things manually. Some commonly used non-full stack frameworks are as follows:

  1. Bottle

Bottle is a microframework which is easy to use and lightweight generally used for building small web applications. It creates a single source file of every project or application and no other dependency than standard library.

Some of the basic features are follows:

  • It has a built-in HTTP server.
  • Adapters for third-party template engines and WSGI/HTTP servers.
  • Allow access form data, file uploads, cookies, and other HTTP-related metadata.
  • Provides request-dispatching routes having URL-parameter support.
  • Provides support for plugins of different databases.
  1. CherryPy

CherryPy is an open source and object-oriented framework widely implemented by developers to create web applications. It has its own multi-threaded web server where you can create applications, which will run on any Python-supporting operating systems such as Windows, Linux/Unix, and Mac.

Some of the common features are as follows:

  • Equipped with HTTP/1.1 compliant, WSGI threaded-pooled web server for supporting different web servers like Apache and IIS.
  • It allows you to run several HTTP servers simultaneously.
  • It provides support for profiling, testing, and coverage by default.
  • It contains some tools for events such as caching, encoding, authorization, etc. by default.
  • It has a built-in plugin system.
  1. Flask

Flask is a powerful web application framework that’s generally termed as microframework due to following elements:

  • Specific tools and libraries
  • No database abstraction layer
  • No form validation

The functionalities provided by above-mentioned elements are available on third-party libraries also, but with dependency on the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2template. Some of the features are as follows:

  • Built-in development server and debugger available.
  • Support for unit testing.
  • Incorporate RESTful request dispatching.
  • Establish secure client-side sessions.
  • Compatible with the Google App Engine.
  1. Sanic

Sanic is an open source framework similar to Flask in function but much faster comparatively. It’s designed for quick HTTP responses through asynchronous request handlers. It has the potential to process 40,000 requests in a second which display how fast Sanic is.

  1. Tornado

Tornado is a web application framework which was taken over by Facebook. Its an open-source framework that’s renowned for its high performance and non-blocking network I/O capability to handle more than 10,000 connections at a single time.

Some of the main features are as follows:

  • By default support for user authentication.
  • Provides high-quality output.
  • Consists of non-blocking HTTP client.
  • Allows the implementation of third-party authentication and authorization schemes, such as for Google OpenID/OAuth, Facebook Login, Yahoo BBAuth, and Twitter OAuth.


We’ve tried to enlist all the Python frameworks and their features for anyone looking to learn about these in details. But it’s imperative to take services from a professional web & app development company for completion of your development related tasks. Contact us for discussing about your next successful project now


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